3 引擎基础

(3.1) C++ Review and Best Practive

imperative languages: C
object-oriented languages: C# , Java
scripting languages: python lua,perl
functional languages: Lisp, scheme, F#

Multiple Inheritance(MI)

Most C++ software developers avoid multiple inheritance completely or
only permit it in a limited form.

多继承容易让结构混乱,提升技术难度,引发deadly diamond问题(当父类们存在相同函数时,子类不知道实现哪个?)
Most C++ software developers avoid multiple inheritance completely or
only permit it in a limited form. A common rule of thumb is to allow only
simple, parentless classes to be multiply inherited into an otherwise strictly
single-inheritance hierarchy. Such classes are sometimes called mix-in classes
because they can be used to introduce new functionality at arbitrary points in
a class tree.

Deadly diamond
Mix-in class

Composition and Aggregation

has-a, uses-a

Coding Standards


1.Some standards make the code more readable, understandable and maintainable.
2. Other conventions help to prevent programmers from shooting themselves in the foot. For example, a coding standard might encourage the
programmer to use only a smaller, more testable and less error-prone
subset of the whole language. The C++ language is rife with possibilities for abuse, so this kind of coding standard is particularly important
when using C++.

Interfaces are king. 接口保持干净,整洁
Good names encourage understanding and avoid confusion. 命名要求规范
Don’t clutter the global namespace. C++中避免互包等混乱
Follow C++ best practices. Books like the Effective C++ series by Scott Meyers [31,32], Meyers’ Effective STL [33] and Large-Scale C++ Software Design3.1. C++ Review and Best Practices 105
by John Lakos [27] provide excellent guidelines that will help keep you
out of trouble. 关注最好的代码
Be consistent. 坚定规范要求
Make errors stick out. 让错误更易在代码中查觉。